I'm a little better now. My wife has helped me take off my black and purple glasses so that I can see things a little more clearly.
What a season! I know, I know...I have a separate blog for my sport addiction...sue me!
This was one of the most fun I have had as a Rockie fan for an entire season in a long time. Sure there was the inaugural season, and that was fun, but it was only the "first season" once and then reality set in; we will be a bad team for a while. Then there was the opening season of Coors Field and the first time that we went to the playoffs, but we lost too much in the off season. 2007 was insane, but that was all concentrated in the last 2 months of the season, 2007 was a rather blah season over all. But this year, this year we were battling and in the race all season! All the pieces are in place to be contenders for a while. This year, we have battles at positions for play time. We have 8 legit outfielders we have 2 legit 3rd basemen, 2 legit 2nd basemen, the pitching staff is solid (starters and relief). Wow!! We even finally have a manager that has a clue!
This is also the year that my mini-Rockies fans have really became fans. They are getting into the game. They each have their favorite players. The Legomaniac even asked how they did as I kissed him goodnight(he never really cared before!).
Yeah, our closer fell apart in the last two games, but he was solid in 36 save situations this year. Yeah, our bats fell silent in the playoffs. But, we went to the playoffs! There are twenty-something other teams that could only wish they could be in the playoffs, and we have been there two times in the past 3 years. So life in the Rockies Nation is not so bad...not bad at all!
Besides, my orange and blue glasses fit very nicely right now!
Until next time...
the Lockedawg