Anyway, the Lego Club was sponsoring an event at a local mall where kids(members) were offered an opportunity to assist a Lego Master Builder (dream job alert!) in building an 8 foot R2D2 (the robot from StarWars...seriously, come out from under that rock for a breath every so often!). So of course, I took him (what, Legos AND StarWars...a geeks dream come true, are you kidding me?!).
When we got there, there were table after table set up where the kids mass produced a large building element out of smaller ones (true Legos are not 'bricks', they are 'building elements') and the Master Builder used them to make the R2D2. In essence, it was a small labor camp of Legos. I originally thought that my Legomaniac would be disappointed. He had hoped to actually be helping with the construction, not a little drone making mass produced rectangles. I turned to gage his reaction and poof he was gone, he was already at work. In the time it took me to turn to him, he already had 4 of the "building elements" completed. I looked around and there were at least 30 kids doing the same.
The Disney Princess, who wants nothing to do with things that are not "High School Musical", looked at me with a roll of her eyes. "So what are we going to do?"
"Do you want to make a few?" I pleaded, not really wanting to go into Claire's Boutique (the "earring store"). To my surprise she settled into a spot at one of the tables and began. I "had" to assist her, and couldn't resist in making a few (DOZEN) myself.
When you were finished, you took your elements to the front where "The Master" was assembling the R2. You then got a special certificate thanking you for being a good drone.

On the way home, I was on my cell with my wife, relating the events of the afternoon. She asked if we had a good time and I said I think he had a blast. The Disney Princess grumbled and begrudgingly admitted that she was actually glad to have 'helped'. Sometimes it is difficult to gauge the Legomaniacs reaction to things, he chimed in at this point, "No, I didn't have a blast, I had a mega-ooper-guyro-blast! I had so much fun, I had to make up a new word for it!"
Okay, the Lockedawg had a good time too...
the Lockedawg