Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Let me start this entry out by saying a few things about Legos. If you don't know what a Lego is, well, how's the weather under that rock where you have been living?! Legos are only the worlds most perfect toy. No, knock off Legos don't count, it's got to be the original Legos, no substitutions will be accepted! I think Legos are so cool that I even did my Master Thesis on them ("Children that play with Legos have more success at higher levels of mathematics"...ask me about it later). So it comes as no surprise that my munchkin is a Legomaniac too. This kid has more Legos than I had ever dreamed possible! He is even a member of the "Lego Club", a pseudo-club of 6-17 year-olds who live, eat, sleep, breath Legos.

Anyway, the Lego Club was sponsoring an event at a local mall where kids(members) were offered an opportunity to assist a Lego Master Builder (dream job alert!) in building an 8 foot R2D2 (the robot from StarWars...seriously, come out from under that rock for a breath every so often!). So of course, I took him (what, Legos AND StarWars...a geeks dream come true, are you kidding me?!).

When we got there, there were table after table set up where the kids mass produced a large building element out of smaller ones (true Legos are not 'bricks', they are 'building elements') and the Master Builder used them to make the R2D2. In essence, it was a small labor camp of Legos. I originally thought that my Legomaniac would be disappointed. He had hoped to actually be helping with the construction, not a little drone making mass produced rectangles. I turned to gage his reaction and poof he was gone, he was already at work. In the time it took me to turn to him, he already had 4 of the "building elements" completed. I looked around and there were at least 30 kids doing the same.

The Disney Princess, who wants nothing to do with things that are not "High School Musical", looked at me with a roll of her eyes. "So what are we going to do?"
"Do you want to make a few?" I pleaded, not really wanting to go into Claire's Boutique (the "earring store"). To my surprise she settled into a spot at one of the tables and began. I "had" to assist her, and couldn't resist in making a few (DOZEN) myself.

When you were finished, you took your elements to the front where "The Master" was assembling the R2. You then got a special certificate thanking you for being a good drone.

On the way home, I was on my cell with my wife, relating the events of the afternoon. She asked if we had a good time and I said I think he had a blast. The Disney Princess grumbled and begrudgingly admitted that she was actually glad to have 'helped'. Sometimes it is difficult to gauge the Legomaniacs reaction to things, he chimed in at this point, "No, I didn't have a blast, I had a mega-ooper-guyro-blast! I had so much fun, I had to make up a new word for it!"

Okay, the Lockedawg had a good time too...

Until next time...

the Lockedawg

Monday, April 20, 2009

April 20, 1999

I'm not one to be too heavy (okay enough with the fat jokes!), but on today, the anniversary of one of the biggest tragedies in our public schools, I felt the need to reflect.

I have a slightly different perspective of the events. My wife was teaching at an elementary school that is a feeder to Columbine and was just about 3 blocks from the High School. The kicker is that she was pregnant with our first child. I found out about the shooting at lunch, from a student who had heard it on the radio. Now remember, this is before cell phones were big (well...they were pretty big, brick-like, but not popular "big"...) I had no way of contacting her, no way of checking on her! Then I started hearing all the speculations of, bombs in the school, shooters in the neighborhood, bombs in other schools in the area...all kinds of stuff. I was in no shape to teach Algebra, I was in panic mode. Then I remember God reminding me that my students are watching me and learning how I react. So I began praying! Praying that my Beloved was okay, that she would be safe and be an instrument in calming her 1st graders and keeping them safe and that I could be a good solid grounding for my students.
I also remember being overwhelming grateful when I heard from her that she was okay and all was well!

This day just reminds me to be thankful for what God has blessed me with and to always make sure that I try to make a connection with each kid that sits in a desk in my classroom!

Until next time...

the Lockedawg

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Precious Peeps

It is that time of year again...Peep season! The kiddos have hunted our house and the grandparent's house and have hit the mother-load of that most perfect of confections. The ideal combination of a marshmallow-ish substance wonderfully coated with a colored sugar covering. Oh, I am beginning to salivate as I type! This year, as "the Easter Bunny" was at the store carrying these bundles of excessive sugar-perfection to the check-out, I...I mean "he" felt like Frodo from the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Assigned with the daunting task of bearing the untouchable, knowing that the protected bundle has unparalleled power and a mysterious pull for it's protector to indulge in that power.

As the munchkins discovered their prizes, I felt like Uncle Bilbo. I knew that my time with the wonderful confections was at an end and had to turn it over to the next generation. I still wanted to partake in the wonder that lies within, but all the while knowing that it would be VERY dangerous to even think of a single bite.

Tonight, as my precious daughter was eating one (a purple bunny) I began to understand Gollum. All I could think of eating one. "Must have my precious peeps. Shes only 7...you could take her. She is standing in the way of my Peeps. You have shoes that weigh as much as she does. Precious sugary Peeps. Look, she has 3 packs, she wouldn't miss one Peep (or 5 or 10..) Must have my precious peeps!"

Then it happens, "Daddy, would you like one of my green bunnies?"

Oh, bless her mother for teaching her compassion, to take pity on miserable creatures like me! Bless you child...bless you.

"No baby, I'd better not, thanks dollface!...

...Daddy loves you!

Until next time...

the Lockedawg

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I miss coaching

This spring, for some reason, is really killing me!

For several years, I coached Freshman Baseball at the high school that I teach. I loved it, but life got in the way. I needed to pick up a part-time job that paid a little more than the $0.58 an hour that coaching paid and so I had to quit coaching.

I am really missing it...a lot right now. The weather is beautiful, crisp...and I want to be in a dugout making a lineup and yelling with my mouth full of sunflower seeds (yelling at the Rox isn't the same).

Last year, I coached my daughter's tee-ball team (5-6 year-olds) and had a blast, but it just wasn't the same. I couldn't call them my little fun catchy nicknames, I couldn't mock them, I couldn't steal sunflower seeds from them. Seriously, I missed the strategy, the chess game, the double switch, the hit and run, the double steal, the fake bunt...oh I love this game!

I am going to be coaching her team again. When she looks up at me with her big blues (the same as her mother's!) and asks, "Daddy will you be my coach again?" How could I say no...Oh well, the suicide squeeze will have to wait for another year.
By the way, I have a "special" blog for my rantings on "my teams" at lockonsports.blogspot.com
your welcome to stop in an rant with me.
Until next time...
the Lockedawg

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Nuff said!

As a die hard Bronco fan, I just wanted to vent a little about the fiasco that just went on with my trusted Orange and Blue...namely Jay "the Whiner" Cutler. I could go off how we (the loyal Bronco Nation) should have seen this coming with his pouting over Rivers teasing him when the Chargers beat the Broncs; or at just about every press conference when he looked like he'd rather be getting a root canal then talk to the press. He was about as fit to be a team leader as I am to sing The National Anthem at Opening Day at Coors Field (hint...I couldn't carry a tune if it had Velcro and strapped to my back...yeah that bad!).

My 9 year-old has a Cutler jersey (against my recommendations...the Champ Bailey one is one I got for him!). I asked him why, why Cutler (this was during the season) and my boy said, "Because he is the quarterback, he's the leader, he's cool". I had to fight back a cringe...a leader, really?! We talked about what a leader is then, how a leader isn't out for just himself, how a leader shows what to do and how to do it by example...by doing it himself! A leader doesn't whine about situations, a leader doesn't pout when the other side is mean and "teases". A leader steps up, does what is necessary and encourages his team to do the same. When all this Cutler stuff started up, my boy and I revisited the discussion about leaders and we concluded that in this season of Easter we celebrate the life of the One True and Perfect Leader. Hunh...are these "father-son talks" for him...or me?

Anyway, I think my feelings about the Cutler situation is best summed up by a cartoonist here in Bronco country, Drew Litton

Just another thought, Tulo is now on pace for 162 homeruns this season, and no steroids! And who reminded the "Toddfather" that he could play...thank you!

Until next time...

the Lockedawg

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Well, here I go...

Alright, I guess I just close my eyes and jump into the "blogosphere".

I am the Lockedawg...a 17 year-old trapped in a fat, balding, middle-aged body, who gets to hang out with, make fun of, and attempt to teach mathematics to high schoolers. I am just your average run of the mill "Joe Schmo" who has to work 3 jobs so that his kids can play sports and go to Scouts and do things like eat dinner.

I will use this place to "go off on" things that are on my mind...kind of a mental dump if you will. From my favorite teams (the Rox and Broncos) to my favorite show (Lost) to my students to my kiddos to politics and religion...whatever I need to mentally dump. To be honest, I will probably go off on several tangents (topics, not Trigonometric Functions...okay maybe them too), so beware!

Hopefully, when I'm done, I will not only feel better, but you will have a smile on your face.

Thanks for hanging out!

I will have my first official "dump" in the next post, until then...

the Lockedawg