I'm not one to be too heavy (okay enough with the fat jokes!), but on today, the anniversary of one of the biggest tragedies in our public schools, I felt the need to reflect.
I have a slightly different perspective of the events. My wife was teaching at an elementary school that is a feeder to Columbine and was just about 3 blocks from the High School. The kicker is that she was pregnant with our first child. I found out about the shooting at lunch, from a student who had heard it on the radio. Now remember, this is before cell phones were big (well...they were pretty big, brick-like, but not popular "big"...) I had no way of contacting her, no way of checking on her! Then I started hearing all the speculations of, bombs in the school, shooters in the neighborhood, bombs in other schools in the area...all kinds of stuff. I was in no shape to teach Algebra, I was in panic mode. Then I remember God reminding me that my students are watching me and learning how I react. So I began praying! Praying that my Beloved was okay, that she would be safe and be an instrument in calming her 1st graders and keeping them safe and that I could be a good solid grounding for my students.
I also remember being overwhelming grateful when I heard from her that she was okay and all was well!
This day just reminds me to be thankful for what God has blessed me with and to always make sure that I try to make a connection with each kid that sits in a desk in my classroom!
Until next time...
the Lockedawg
That was a very difficult day. Youth group that week was mostly tears and hugs.