It's that time of year again kidos. Quick, who knows what is coming up on June 9th? Seriously, somebody should know. That's right, it is Donald Duck's "Birthday"! Why the quotes, because it is just the Anniversary of Donald's first appearance in a cartoon, "The Wise Little Hen". For the majority of the Disney characters, Mickey, Minnie, etc. their "birthday" coincides with their first appearance, but Donald Duck has an actual birthday, it is March 13...but I digress.
In the weeks leading up to this momentous "birthday", what you say, how old will Donald be? I'm glad you asked, he will be 75 this year. Anyway, in the weeks leading up to June 9th, I will present a brief review/commentary on some of my favorite Donald shorts (no, I did not intend to use 'brief' and 'shorts' in the same sentence!).
This week, I want to look at "Chef Donald". Arguably, one of, if not the, best Donald short that was produced. In this short, Donald is attempting to make some waffles, encouraged by Old Mother Mallard (a sort of Rachel Ray on the radio). In the mixing of the batter, Donald accidentally adds rubber cement in instead of milk, and mayhem ensues!

I love this short, but it holds a very special place in my heart. This is the first cartoon that my son (who was 2 at the time) actually laughed at in the appropriate places. In fact, he wanted to watch it over and over and would squeak, anticipating the payoffs of some gags. He would "Oh no" when Donald got out his hatchet and just bust out with the most contagious belly laugh when Donald "waffled" his tail. But I think the best moment was when DDFC jr. first "got" that it was rubber cement when he read it off the bottle...wait, he just read it!!!!
Now, whenever I sit to watch "Chef Donald" (yes, I watch them quite often...shut up!), I hear his little giggles and squeak leading up to the payoffs...I love it!
Until next time...
the Lockedawg
There is nothing like a good Donald brief/short...which is ironic considering his lack of wardrobe in that particular area. :)