Okay, now that I am back, I will try my hand at a little music review. (Yes, Jerod, two in a row...shut up!)
Yesterday, one of my current favorite bands (Skillet) released their newest album (Awake). All summer I have been anticipating this album. I started getting into Skillet last year when I heard Comatose. For those of you that really know me, you know that I love the harder stuff (but my guilty pleasures are some of the "Poppy" stuff...that is for a later post), and I found it in Skillet. "Voices in the Dark" was what got me hooked and I had to pick up the entire album (Comatose).
This summer, Skillet released a new single, "Hero". It felt like it picked up where Comatose left off. The same grinding guitars, course vocals...it had great lyrics, great message (Christ is the only true Hero that we are all looking for), a great song. Then they released single #2, "Monster". Almost better than "Hero", "Monster" was a touch harder and also with great lyrics (about the 'secret' battle with sin and the struggle to keep it hidden). Two great songs!!
Yesterday, the rest of the album came out, well, it has two really great songs...which I already have...
The rest of the album is in my opinion fluff stuff thrown together to make an official album. Don't get me wrong, there are some enjoyable songs "Awake and Alive" is a good song, but over all it wasn't what I was hoping for. It feels like they were reaching out to the angsty heartbroken teens, not so much the overweight, balding, "I still want to rock" 30-somethings (okay...38-somethings).
Having said that, the more I listen to "Awake" the more it, as an album, grows on me, it is a good one for some back ground music while I grade.
Over all, as and album, "Awake" gets a 3 out of 5 ("Hero" gets a 4.5, "Monster" gets a 4.75).
Until next time...
the Lockedawg
So, if I want a mediocre album this is the one for me. Hmmm...